the web is cool least it’s meant to be.
A collection of links. Channels of information I found to be worth exploring, for various reasons. Good things are meant to be shared, and bad things, well…
I wanted to call this collection a webbook, a younger cousin to the phonebook that is but a relic of the past. Unfortunately that arrangement of letters looks hideous to me.
Persons / Ideas
While I dare categorise these entries, note that it’s simply for convenience. Please recognise that their labels are not meant to lock them in.
Art (in a narrow sense)
You’re probably using the wrong dictionary by James Somers
The Lithogram: A Thought Experiment by Harrison Totty
Turing Complete User by Contemporary Home Computing
Stupid Slow by datagubbe
The Small Website Discoverability Crisis by Viktor
Bumpy by Matt Keeter
Standalone music player by Nick
Also check out my tools page for non-browser-based software.
Inspo Dump
How are these ordered? Arbitrarily. Within each category, I try to group them in invisible subcategories, which are then chronologically sorted based on when I discovered each item. Even then, I don’t hesitate to swap entries around if it looks or feels right to do so.
last updated on Jun 30, 2024